Hives, Urticaria and Angioedema

What are Hives, Urticaria and Angioedema?

Urticaria, also known as hives, is a rash that can cause raised, itchy, swollen welts to appear on your body. There are many reasons for why you may be experiencing hives and this is commonly evaluated by an allergist. Hives can be extremely bothersome, often keeping patients awake at night due to itching and distracting them during the day.

Hives can come and go lasting minutes or hours in one particular area of the body but can sometimes last for months or years. The term “acute urticaria” is used when a patient has had hives that last six weeks or less and “chronic urticaria” is when someone has experienced hives for more than 6 weeks. Some patients may find that their hives are due to foods, medications, insect stings, stress or even common viral infections (such as the common cold, ear infections, strep throat, or the flu). Hives can also sometimes be due to rubbing/scratching, either hot or cold temperatures, pressure or sun exposure. Different medications may be used such as antihistamines or even medications that work on your immune system to prevent the hives, such as Xolair. Our staff is trained to administer this very helpful medication.

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Testing and Treatment

Patients are often extremely frustrated and desperate for answers by the time they discover that an allergist can treat their hives. Dr. Rajan will take your concerns seriously and evaluate whether your rash is due to hives and what the possible trigger may be. She will take a full history of your hives and evaluate whether there is a trigger for your symptoms. Since not all patients are identical, Dr. Rajan will formulate a plan specific for you. We understand that hives can be very bothersome, frustrating and can your sleep. We would love to see you and improve your quality of life.

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