Breathing Tests

What is Spirometry?

Dr. Rajan uses breathing tests to diagnose and treat different breathing conditions. We use the latest technology to evaluate your lung function. We are able to measure how much air you can breathe in and out and how fast you are able to blow out. It is a safe and easy test that we perform in our office. This does not require the use of needles and no blood is drawn. The test will be performed with the nursing staff and requires you to take a deep breath in followed by a forced blow out for at least 4-6 seconds and then a deep breath in. We compare your lung volumes with nationally recognized average predicted values based on your peers that are similar age, height, weight and gender.

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Testing and Treatment

Sometimes Dr. Rajan will choose to treat you with a nebulized medication called albuterol, which can help open the airways, and then she will have you repeat the breathing test to see if you have improved.

Spirometry is an objective study that helps evaluate the air capacity of the lungs and can detect very subtle changes which you may not be aware of. This helps Dr. Rajan to determine whether you have asthma and is performed at every visit to make sure your asthma stays well controlled.

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